First contacts

You want to know how the date that Ally and I arranged just before Xmas went, don’t you, Dear Reader? And did Eva really think that kink was so important? After Ally and I agreed a time and place to meet, there was a little more banter, and

I think therefore I am

Many, many moons ago, after work, I went for a drink with a couple of female colleagues. I mention their gender as we ended up having quite a few more than a drink and the conversation got rather revealing and particularly sexual. I’m pleased to be able to say that nothing inappropriate happened and no … More I think therefore I am

Taking the piss

Having resolved to take a swim in the more salacious end of the O.L.D. pool, where the FWBs, swingers and one-night-standers hang out, I had to give some thought to sexual health. I’m pretty comfortable with the idea of being

Fucking fabulous

Without any reasonable justification, Dear Reader, I’m impatient. Berate me for it. I deserve it. Why? Because its barely been a week since I started taking O.L.D. seriously, and

L’art pour l’art

Having unpacked the majority of the boxes after moving house, some of the last items were the pictures. I don’t have many framed pictures. Before I moved in with my snqeWife, I’d only owned my own flat for about 18 months, having previously been in shared accommodation, so other than the ubiquitous

Hired help

With the sad news that Claire is seeming not in a hurry for us to get back together, my mind has turned to other things. When taken seriously, online dating has, so far, felt

The pace of change

Moving into my new house has been a bit of an eye opener, on various fronts. Possibly most stark is the sense of relief. Not just because it’s taken so long coming, but more importantly

Buy buy buy!!!

Remember my Shopping List, Dear Reader? Or should we call it a shopping lust? Well it feels like I’m haemorrhaging money at the moment. For a couple of days, there was an eye watering amount of money in my bank account, by way of my divorce settlement. Then my house purchase went through and there … More Buy buy buy!!!